mutual feelings
(civic soup/rhubaba)
(civic soup/rhubaba)
performance, mild steel
performance, mild steel
Choreographed in collaboration with Billy Morgan with sound design from Calum Crennie.
-What might the notion of place and our bodies as co-constitutive allow us to think – beyond the seemingly fixed markers, bounds and contracts of our environments? How might we then perform a re-writing of place, as a subversive and embodied act?-
-What might the notion of place and our bodies as co-constitutive allow us to think – beyond the seemingly fixed markers, bounds and contracts of our environments? How might we then perform a re-writing of place, as a subversive and embodied act?-
As part of their research residency with Rhubaba, Civic Soup invited various creatives to participate in “Mutual Feelings: A Reading Circle on Body and Place”. Three workshops took place across three different locations within Edinburgh.
Involving written and performative practices of reflection and reimagining, the circle was oriented around the theme of Body and Place.
Selected texts were embedded within a framework of listening, writing and performative exercises. The texts and actions developed within the workshop, alongside other formations of each artist’s practice, formed the base material for the group performance at fruitmarket.
civic soup
Involving written and performative practices of reflection and reimagining, the circle was oriented around the theme of Body and Place.
Selected texts were embedded within a framework of listening, writing and performative exercises. The texts and actions developed within the workshop, alongside other formations of each artist’s practice, formed the base material for the group performance at fruitmarket.
civic soup